Friday, April 18, 2008

Number two

Just in case you're worried, this is not going to be a blog about fecal matter. If you're interested in that kind of thing, or if you like humor in general, I suggest you check out my friend Fitz's blog Toilet Scribble. I check in on it at least once a day and he's always saying something that makes me laugh or shake my head in wonder. I'm really not sure how he comes up with some of the things that flow from his brain out through his fingers.

No, this is actually about dating - specifically, dating in the modern era when half of first marriages end in divorce. Inevitably, if you're over thirty and you're in the world of dating, you're going to date someone who is divorced.

That presents all sorts of challenges. If there are kids involved, the complications grow exponentially. One of the problems that I've come across is what happens if the person you're spending time with hasn't resolved the "hurts" they carry with them from their divorce.

I've found this to be true during disagreements. All of a sudden, I've realized I'm not just having a disagreement with the person across from me, but I'm arguing with their ex. and their' ex.'s communication patterns and all of the built up hurts and unresolved conflicts that my date has brought with them.

I don't have the answer for this - I guess you could have a rule not to date anyone who has been divorced. Or, you could require your dates to have gone XX amount of years since their divorce. Inevitably, though, I think this stuff is going to come up and will need to be slogged through, or not, depending upon your level of investment.

This came up for me recently and as I was on my way into campus today, my Joe Jackson cd came up in my changer. I thought this song was especially fitting. Let me know what you think about this topic, I'm looking for feedback.


Anonymous said...

Awwww. You are making me blush with all this talk of fecal matter.

Oh you thought I was blushing about your nice comments....nah....just the fecal matter.

Anonymous said...

Oh and by the way, I wouldn't date anyone with kids but divorcees are fine. And yes Joe, she really is going out with him.

Dating Wall of Shame said...


Moms are HOT!

Plus, they become way hotter when the kids have moved out and they don't need to worry about noise or being interrupted anymore!

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I have seen and experienced so much craziness in my short time of on-line dating that I just couldn't hold it inside anymore. Your stories are always welcome! Misery loves company!