Saturday, May 3, 2008


I am a datekrispy~

That's right - I'm burned out, sizzled, fried - completely over the whole dating scene right now!

Granted, this may have something to do with being at the end of a long semester. Iif you haven't seen my profile, I'll explain.) I'm a full-time grad student, I help teach a course, and I work part-time.

So, there's a chance that I'm a lifekrispy right now and my fatigue is just being channeled at the dating scene.

Either way, I finally have a Saturday off and I'm heading out - away to my cottage in the woods with no Internet or cable, or other distractions. Yes, I still have papers to write, papers to grade, and bills to pay - but I will be away from profiles, emails, IM's, come ons, let downs, and put offs.

I wonder how it is that I have well over 100 people visit my dating profiles and blogs each day and somehow, only the ones who are over the age of 50 or under 30 make contact? Oh, wait, let me correct that - one guy who was my age emailed to ask if I could come over and "relieve his boredom". When I referred him to my blog he came back and said that he enjoyed it but was still wondering if I was!?? It's like I have a "normal guy" filter on my email PREVENTING them from getting through!

I wish all of my fellow daters good luck. Enjoy your weekend and I hope you have at least one good date - or better yet, find the man or woman of your dreams.

As for me, I'll be stoking up the woodstove (yep, its still cold enough at night for a fire), sipping on a glass of wine and cuddling with my dog. Perhaps by Monday I'll be in a better place about this dating thing.

Peace out~

PS - I've submitted my newly coined term "datekrispy" to the Urban Dictionary - it has to be reviewed by the editors - I'll keep everyone updated on its progress.

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paisley said...

just pretend you are me all weekend... you described my life to a tee.... fire,, tv,, dog... and well... computer of course.... what else is there?????

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Thanks, Paisley ~ I'll commune with you in spirit! Namaste~

Anonymous said...

The Urban Dictionary isthe greatest
thing ever !

Enjoy your 'me' time.....

Unknown said...

I think it should an adjective: "I'm totally datekrispy from my 5 online dates last week."

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Pete - thanks - although this place is too cool not to share~

Jeff - I submitted it as a noun AND an adjective. Also submitted lifekrispy - adjective only.

Greetings to all from the public library parking lot - thank god for wireless and laptops!

Show me some love - sign my guestbook~

About Me

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I have seen and experienced so much craziness in my short time of on-line dating that I just couldn't hold it inside anymore. Your stories are always welcome! Misery loves company!