Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bloggers unite for Human Rights

Blogcatalog has asked that today, the ides of May, be used as a day when Bloggers Unite for Human Rights.

I'm not an especially political person and I don't usually put my energy toward political causes, but I've been horrified, as many of us have, these last five years, to see how easily billions of dollars have been spent on a war to kill people we don't even know when so many social problems here and in other countries could be solved for just a fraction of what this war has cost.

Somehow our politicians can spend weeks debating how to "fix" the Social Security system and little to no time debating the funding for this war. If the truth be known, Social Security could be permanently funded for just one tenth of what has been spent on the war in Iraq!

Below is a trailer clip for the episode "Two Wars" from the second season of This American Life - if you haven't heard of this show, you're in for a treat. It started out as a radio show on NPR and is now also televised on Showtime.

I saw this clip at a live preview broadcast of This American Life and it is one of the few times I have been moved to want to do something political. After watching this segment, I actually wanted to find a placard and join the faithful protesters that gather in my town's center each Saturday morning.

"Two Wars" follows a young Iraqi who had been a translator for the UN just before the war started. He is now in school in the United States (and yes, he would have been able to attend school in the US even without the war). He decided to travel the country one summer and allow anyone to ask him questions. Unfortunately, this clip is just a teaser and doesn't portray the best parts of this episode. If you have Showtime or can get it, I urge you to watch this particular episode - it's mind opening, to say the least.

We all need to consider how our money, that's right OUR money, our tax dollars are being spent. Is that money going toward something that is really improving the world and preserving the rights of the Iraqi's? I could think of a million other things I'd rather do with that money to improve the rights of all humans.

In closing, and I apologize for such a long post, I want to point you toward another post today on my friend's blog Toilet Scribble. Fitz has done one of his funniest and spot on posts yet on the absurdity of some of the public service ads that are being done by actors on behalf of animals, when there are so many larger issues they could be concerned about.

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Anonymous said...

Julie - thats a great clip and I am going to watch that tonight if I can find it.

It really irks the shit out of me how uninformed most people in this country are. Yet they make bold statements about the war or other issues of great importance.

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Thanks, Fitz~

Let me know what you think of the TAL episode~

As for the second comment - that's why you and I blog - to inform the masses :-)

PS - I have total gadget envy after reading your most recent post - maybe I can hold it one day????

Joker said...

Fitz - It really gets worse than that. I don't have it on hand right now, and I'm too tired to go look for it, but there is a clip of an Australian satirical talk show (much like the Daily Show, if I understand correctly), and they sent a guy to the "good old" U.S. of A. and interviewed random people about simple shit. Literally. He had a globe with him and asked them to point out Iraq. Or Great Britain. One guy couldn't fuckin' find Asia. That is when you know you need to move from this country. It's really quite sad.

Julie - (Regarding the P.S.) You talking about his iPhone or his sneakers? Because if it's the sneakers, perhaps you need a little help. :P

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Joker - you can't blame a girl, those sneakers are pretty big~

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I have seen and experienced so much craziness in my short time of on-line dating that I just couldn't hold it inside anymore. Your stories are always welcome! Misery loves company!