Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sex or Chocolate vs. Sex or Steak

My friend Fitz over at Toilet Scribble recently asked his readers what they would prefer a juicy steak or sex. As predicted, the testosterone-driven responses poured in. Surprisingly, there were a few guys suggesting they might prefer the steak!

I decided to pose the question to my readers, but with a twist for the women.

If given the choice between sex and an amazing piece of chocolate (let's say, Godiva, or Gevalia or even chocolate cheesecake) - which would you choose.

Now, you can't have them together - of course, we'd all pick that!

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Anonymous said...

I don't know what the ladies are going to pick but I'll take the sex please.

Anonymous said...

Ditto on the sex Fritz! Never was a chocolate fan mind you?!

Dating Wall of Shame said...

In the name of full disclosure - I'll take the sex, multiple times, 25 days a month. On those other five day - the chocolate wins, hands down!

Anonymous said...

Um yeah. I love (love love love) chocolate. However, I really believe that food should never be picked over sex (with someone you desire.) That is just sad. Not unless you are so sick you are shooting stuff out of every orifice. Then..then you might want to just take the chocolate and call it a day.

Anonymous said...

I am a food SNOB. As my partner and I are regarded as nymphomaniacs by most of our associates, I think I'd give the sex a miss - for a change - and eat stupendously cooked steak followed by very expensive chocolate.
I have the feeling I'm alone on that one though...

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I have seen and experienced so much craziness in my short time of on-line dating that I just couldn't hold it inside anymore. Your stories are always welcome! Misery loves company!