Wednesday, June 4, 2008

It's a good day for sex~

Today it was a grey, drizzly morning in the Northeast and I had the day off. All I wanted in my big cozy bed was another warm body to wake up to. I actually did have a friend text and offer to come over, but he's married and we all know where that leads.

Being the research geek that I am, I decided to find out how weather affects our sex drive. Unfortunately, scientists seem to have focused on red-tailed deer, bats, sheep and every other mammal other than humans. There is data about birth rates, but I didn't find any tying it back to actual weather.

So, I decided it was time for another poll. Which is the best weather for having sex. If you're like me, any weather is good weather for this particular activity - but try to narrow it down just a bit for the purposes of this poll.

Enjoy and happy rainy day if you're in the Northeast.

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Anonymous said...

There is something wonderful about a rainstorm and flashes and crack's of lightning that adds to the mood. Besides will all that noise, who will notice a bit more. :)

However a snowy lazy day or evening where you can listen to the snow gently falling can be magical in a slower and more reserved mood. Of course if you are properly clad and ambitious it can also make interesting snow angels...

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Wrrenn - Obviously, I agree with you on the thunder and lightening energy - I won't comment on the noise factor ;-) For me snow makes me want to grab my snowboard and head outdoors!

Anonymous said...

I know this is a bit far back in the month, but I had to comment. I've noticed that hot sticky humid summer days are so incredibly difficult to get any play in. You want you, he wants to, the mood is soo there but as soon as the sweating becomes so bad that you're literally sliding off of each other it dies pretty quickly. However, summer nights in the outdoors is ideal! Laying on a patio couch with very little lighting, warm enough to be nude in the open air.. Now THAT'S sexy, romantic, hot and very rare.
I do agree 110% that the thundering, lightning, monsoon rainy days are the most popular for lovemaking. Who the hell knows why. I mean if you think about it, on days like that all you want to do is laze around anyway. And what's more appealing than being home, eating really comforting food, staying in your panties all day and rolling in the sheets anytime you want, as many times as you want? Napping with your lover mid day, maybe, just MAYBE leaving the house once for a meal or a quick trip to the grocery, watching all the awful reality show re-runs.. Ahhh... I miss those days..

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, that third sentence meant to say "you want to*, he wants to.."

Anonymous said...

When its cold, it is better for cuddling up though... :)
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