Thursday, June 5, 2008

One ticket or two?

Remember the days when you had a huge group of friends around and there were always a million people who wanted to do anything you could think up?

Ok, perhaps I'm engaging in a bit of hyperbole, but when I was younger (i.e., when everyone else wasn't working or raising kids, etc.) people were always available for concerts, going out dancing, etc. These days, it's a chore just to find one person who can go out. Either they have to find a sitter, or they can't stay out late because they have a big meeting the next day, or they just have to get enough sleep!

I refuse to let life take over like that! If there's a show I want to see I'll deal with the consequences of lost sleep. I'll drink an extra cup of coffee so I can make it through the meeting!

The one thing I can't do is find someone else to go along for the adventure!

Several times recently, I've made the decision to buy a pair of tickets to shows that I wanted to see, counting on my ability to convince a friend or a date to join me. The first time, I was never able to find someone, and I decided not to go by myself. It was a couple of hours away and I just didn't feel like doing the drive home by myself.

Now, I have tickets to see REM next week. Can you believe that I can't find anyone to join me! It's REM - not an obscure band! It's even on a Friday night! Yes, I have to work the next day - I'm going to deal with being tired - no one else is available.

So, I'm either hanging with the wrong crowd or I'm listening to music that no one else likes - or maybe I smell? I'll change perfumes if you just ask! What's a girl to do when buying tickets for concerts? If I buy just one - I'm definitely going alone. If I buy two, I might still go alone and then feel bad because I lost the money on the second ticket. I don't have the answer but being single stinks~

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Anonymous said...

Sometimes being single certainly does suck...but just get one if you really want to see a concert...if not your giving an aful lot of power to someone who dosen't even REM would be awesome to see!!

Anonymous said...

I have to admit, I always buy two tickets. I'd like to go with someone. but I refuse to deny myself the experience just because I can't find a person to bring. You should be able to get your money back on the second ticket by selling it at the show (and I'm not saying overcharge for the ticket), Life's too short not to do what you want.

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm sure this does not help,
but, if I recall, you smell pretty good, so it can't be that.

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Anon: - I agree about not giving power to others and your point about whether or not they exist is well-made.

JerseyCitizen - I've never sold tickets at a show - but good suggestion - I just don't think of these things!

Pete - Sweet as always - now where does REM fall on the 80s vs. 90's spectrum for you? Thumbs up or thumbs down?

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up!

The godfathers of indie/pop,

without them, there's no Greenday or
Nirvana, or most of the great '90s bands,

Let's see:




All classics....

Anonymous said...

I must say i'm happy to be 'off the market' for that exact reason! I can force my spouse to go to things and vice a versa! However, in your case if the concert date is fast approaching you may use it as a good way to hook up for a date. Simply advertise that you are selling your ticket and need a date etc. you may or may not find mr. right, but either way your other ticket will be paid for!

Anonymous said...

I love single tickets - mostly on the spur of the moment. Just saw Jerry Seinfeld at the last minute down at MGM Grand last weekend. Would never have been able to do that if I needed two or more tickets.

Before that I grabbed one ticket from a disgruntled gambler to go see Chris Rock.

Once you get to the show it's so loud you can't talk anyway...

Erika Jean said...

That sucks. Are you trying to give the other ticket to someone on the condition that they buy it? Maybe thats why they don't go....

If its free, I don't understand why someone would pass up the opportunity, sleep or not!

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Hi Erika - I agree - that sucks. No, I'm not trying to have the other person pay for the ticket. If I buy two, the show is on me. Thanks for stopping by.

I ended up going with a friend, the show was amazing, and I'm more in awe of Michael Stipe than I was before!

Anonymous said...

Wow, looks like I have a new type of douchebag to blog about. Don't let it get you down Julie. Hopefully that guy will fall down tomorrow and knock his two front teeth out.

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Fitz - I want you AND chocolate - why don't you live closer? PS - I cook up a mean steak!

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I have seen and experienced so much craziness in my short time of on-line dating that I just couldn't hold it inside anymore. Your stories are always welcome! Misery loves company!