Friday, June 13, 2008

I am not a bum, I'm just a jerk~

Hey everyone~

I'm back from a short hiatus from posting. I've been caught up in emptying out my house and moving to a much smaller apartment. It's one of the sacrifices I'm making so I can continue to be a grad student~

So, I have to admit that I fell into a trap that I swore I wouldn't fall into. My friend Fitz regularly blogs about douchebags on his blog Toilet Scribble. So, I should know better and should be able to spot one a mile away. I have to admit, though, that I missed the signs and I was duped.

A while ago, I wrote about someone that I dated briefly who got pissed off at a joke that I made, and who, as a result, cut me off entirely - no explanation - just closed out the IM window and then didn't respond to a phone call or a text. That was as far as I pushed it. I will try to apologize, but I won't beg someone to forgive.

We went about three weeks without talking and after initially feeling bad about it, I realized I was much better off. If this is how a guy handles conflict, I'm not interested - right?

So, one night last week, at about 9, just as I was winding down, up popped an IM from the very same guy. I should have closed it........

I didn't - he apologized, said he didn't normally handle conflict that way, asked to please see me because he missed me, etc., etc.. I know, I know, we could all write the script for this! But, you guessed it, I fell for it! At the very least, I thought, make-up sex is always good!

We actually saw each other a couple of times. The sex was good, we enjoyed each other's company.

Now, POOF! Gone. I didn't even piss him off this time - that I know of! Just gone! So, this time I don't even care! I mean - WTF!

The sad thing is that right before the jerk re-contacted me, I had started dating someone who is a really nice guy, who genuinely seems to like me for me and who says sweet things, etc. With the reintroduction of the jerk, I was actually thinking that I liked the jerk better and maybe I should see if dating him exclusively had a chance!

What is it that we women have that pushes us toward picking the jerks over the nice guys????

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Anonymous said...

I think I'm getting jealous of all these guys

Anonymous said...

I think its that we like a bit off push and pull. I personally am very attracted to assholes! Perhaps its the challenge that I enjoy?

Dating Wall of Shame said...

Anon - don't be jealous of the one who has done the push me pull me act, he won't be able to pass go anymore.

As for the other, there are strengths and then short comings - I'm not done looking -

Heidi - I used to like the push me pull me thing, but I don't go for it anymore. I was fooled once, but not again. I don't have the energy to waste on that anymore.

Anonymous said...

That's a question without a good answer, based on all the frustration us nice guys have endured. In college, I heard the "but you're such a good friend . . ." excuse. Soon after college it got worse when I started getting told "I think of you more like a brother".

It was just agonizing at times while I was single. But I do think it was worth it, since I can honestly say the only one I've ever been with is my wife.

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I have seen and experienced so much craziness in my short time of on-line dating that I just couldn't hold it inside anymore. Your stories are always welcome! Misery loves company!